How to Motivate with Words : 3 Simple Ways to Communicate with “WHY”

Simon Sinek’s TED talk emphasizes the power of starting with “why” to inspire others. He suggests that organizations often focus on ‘what’ they do and ‘how’ they do it but neglect ‘why’ they do it. However, the ‘why’, or the purpose and cause, is what truly motivates people. By focusing your message on ‘why’, you can resonate with others’ beliefs and effectively motivate them. After finishing reading this post, you will know how to motivate others simply by focusing your message on ‘why.’

Motivate with Clear Cause.


When we express the reasons behind our beliefs and actions, we foster deeper connections with others. By authentically sharing what motivates us, we inspire understanding and engagement. A clear ‘why’ in our communication enhances trust and credibility, motivating others to align with our vision and collaborate towards shared goals.

Why It Is Important to Have a Clear Purpose, Belief, and Cause to Inspire Others

  • Understanding: Clarity helps others understand your motivations and beliefs. A clear purpose or cause provides a vivid picture of what you’re striving for and why.
  • Trust Building: It also fosters trust. People are much more likely to trust your sincerity if your purpose or cause is clear and consistent.
  • Communication with Others: A clear ‘why’ can be a powerful tool for communicating and connecting with others, even helping them find their own motivations.
  • Motivation: A clear purpose, belief, and cause can convey your intense passion for your objectives, drawing others in and urging them to take action.
  • Guiding Action: Finally, a clear ‘why’ serves as a compass guiding your actions. A consistent ‘why’ acts as a guideline for making choices and taking actions.

How To Have a Clear Purpose, Belief, Cause That Inspires Others

  • Self-Reflection: Start with deep introspection about your passions, values, and strengths. Ask yourself what truly motivates you and what you are passionate about. What is it that you deeply care about? What change would you like to see in the world or in your personal life?
  • Identify Your Values: Determine your core values as they will be the guiding principles of your purpose. These could be things like honesty, compassion, innovation, perseverance etc.
  • Leverage Your Strengths: Understand what unique skills or talents can aid in achieving your purpose. This could be anything from being a great communicator to having excellent problem-solving skills.
  • Formulate Your Purpose Statement: Once you’ve identified these elements, start crafting them into a clear and concise purpose statement that encapsulates why you do what you do and where your passion lies.
  • Test It Out: Test out this statement with trusted friends or mentors – does it resonate with them? Does it feel authentic to who you are? Use their feedback for refining clarity.
  • Commitment: Finally, commit yourself to this purpose; let it guide all aspects of your life including career decisions, personal growth initiatives and daily actions.

By focusing on these aspects, one can effectively communicate their purpose, beliefs, or causes that inspire others towards understanding, trust, action, connection, etc.

Articulate Your Purpose.

Having a clear cause is just the start—it provides a theme and a story to tell. Yet, effectively communicating this cause is crucial for influence. It’s about choosing the right words, understanding your audience, and presenting your ideas in ways that inspire action. The way you deliver your message can be the difference between merely having an idea and making a significant impact.

Clarity in Communication

The first step in articulating your ‘why’ effectively is achieving clarity in communication. Avoid jargon or complex language that could confuse people; instead, use simple and direct language that everyone can understand.

Explain what the cause is, why it matters, who benefits from it and how you plan on achieving its objectives. A well-articulated message can provide direction and inspire action.

Emphasize Emotional Connection

While facts are important in any argument or advocacy effort, emotions play an equally crucial role in influencing attitudes and behaviors. Share stories that demonstrate the impact of your cause—these narratives can create an emotional connection with your audience that statistics alone cannot achieve.

Consistent Messaging

Consistency reinforces importance – ensure all communications about your cause are consistent across different platforms (social media posts, speeches, articles etc.). This consistency helps reinforce the importance of the issue at hand and keeps it at forefront of people’s minds.

Inclusivity: Make Everyone Feel Part of The Mission

Effective communication isn’t just about broadcasting messages—it’s also about fostering dialogue and making everyone feel part of something bigger than themselves. Emphasize how each person’s role contributes towards achieving this common goal—this creates a sense of belonging which further motivates individuals to contribute more actively towards realizing this shared vision.

Lead by Example

Finally—and perhaps most importantly—embodying what you preach goes a long way towards persuading others about authenticity & commitment towards your ‘Why’. When others see you living out what you advocate for every day—they’re more likely to believe in its value & join hands with you on this journey.

Be consistent, authentic, congruent in your words and actions.

When communicating your ‘why’—the underlying beliefs and motivations that drive you—it’s essential to be consistent, congruent, and authentic. These three elements are the pillars of effective communication that build trust, foster connections, and inspire action.

The Power of Consistency

Consistency in your message is like a lighthouse in the fog—it guides your audience towards understanding your values or purpose. By repeating the same core message across different platforms and contexts—be it a public speech or a social media post—you establish a strong personal or brand identity. This consistent identity becomes easily recognizable and understood by others. Furthermore, consistency creates predictability which fosters trust—a crucial element for any form of relationship.

Congruence: The Alignment between Words and Actions

Congruence is about ensuring harmony between what you say (your words) and what you do (your actions). Imagine advocating passionately for environmental conservation but failing to practice sustainable living yourself. This discrepancy undermines your credibility significantly. Conversely, when people witness alignment between your words and actions, they are more likely to believe in your ‘why’, making them more inclined to support or join you on this journey.

Authenticity: The Key to Genuine Connections

Being authentic means expressing genuine feelings, beliefs, values without any pretense—it’s about being true to who you are at heart. Authenticity is pivotal when communicating with ‘why’. People can intuitively sense authenticity—they know when someone genuinely believes in their cause versus when they’re merely putting on a show for personal gain or popularity.

Authentic communication invites others into deeper levels of connection—a bond built on mutual trust & respect for shared values.

Simon Sinek TED talk

102 thoughts on “How to Motivate with Words : 3 Simple Ways to Communicate with “WHY””

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